HSR.health Statement on Racism and What Ails America
Updated: Aug 17, 2023
Like all of us, we at HSR.health are deeply troubled and saddened by the recent events we have experienced across America. So soon after we as a nation came together to change our entire way of life to help our fellow Americans stay healthy during a global pandemic – we are confronted by the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and all too many others in the Black community due to police brutality! HSR.health is a population health company. In our work, we see how societal disparities, such as disparities in education, income, housing, food security, and access to healthcare among others lead to health inequities. We see these through a healthcare lens and realize that in the broader context these issues are the mechanisms through which systemic racism is implemented and communities are marginalized. Racism is a public health disease whose impact is felt in the Black community through higher rates of maternal & infant mortality, lower disease survival rates, and lower overall life expectancy. These divergent health outcomes for people who are citizens of the same country is unsustainable and morally and ethically wrong. We realize our work to achieve gains in public health cannot be successful if these disparities remain in place. On this Juneteenth, a day to mark the end of slavery, we commit to a new beginning. We stand with the Black community to end systemic racism. The changes this will bring throughout our society will result in improved public health and also improve our culture and bring us closer together as a nation.
In Good Health,
Ajay K Gupta, CISSP, MBA Ram Peruvemba, MD CEO CMO 240-731-0756 703-472-1880