Heading North to Shine Light on Opioid Response
The Opioid Epidemic truly appears unchecked. From the East Coast to the West Coast, news reports abound on the depth and gravity of the epidemic.
Heading North
We have written previously on this blog about our efforts to address the epidemic. This Tuesday, we present our work in New Foundland, Canada.
HSR is a member of the
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), the international body that sets standards for geospatial technology. We participate in the OGC’s Health Domain Working Group (DWG) that focuses on applications of geospatial tech in healthcare.
Addressing the Opioid Epidemic
This week, the OGC is holding its Technical Committee meeting and on June 27th I have the privilege of presenting our work towards leveraging our GeoHealth Dashboard and its geospatial data analytic capabilities to develop innovative responses to the Opioid epidemic.
The talk will also illustrate our approach of integrating the GeoHealth Dashboard with the data capturing abilities of Smart Cities to limit and contain the epidemic, as well as a number of additional population health challenges.
Also on Tuesday, Dr. Luis Bermudez, Executive Director for Innovation at the OGC and an HSR Board member, is speaking on the OGC’ upcoming GeoHealth Pilot.
Join the Presentation
If your in New Foundland on Tuesday, we’d love to have you join us. And if not, please contact me for information on viewing the session remotely.